Film Bike Stories Vorarlberg
Synopsis der Pilotfolge „Fabricia fährt Fahrrad“ Frustriert über ihre Abhängigkeit vom öffentlichen Verkehr erforscht die schrullige Fabricia auf eigenwillige Art die historische Entwicklungsgeschichte des Fahrrades. Bei ihrer Recherche erfährt Fabricia mehr über die technische Funktionsweise des Fahrrads, baut selber ein frühes Modell nach und lernt neue Freunde kennen, die ihr Leben ganz dem „Drahtesel“ verschrieben haben. Staffel-Ausblick Auf ihrer Entdeckungsreise durch die Radkulturlandschaft Vorarlbergs lernt Fabricia allerlei Fahrradenthusiasten kennen und begreift, dass das Fahrrad nicht nur Fortbewegungsmittel sondern eine Lebenseinstellung und ein Ausdruck von Freiheit bedeuten kann.
Hanna Mathis (Regie & Produktion)
My name is Hanna and I work as a freelance directress. Originally from Vorarlberg, I now live in Vienna. I also like to cross borders for my work. I collect ideas, write concepts and moreover, I love to direct. From documentaries to commercial work, portraits, series and music videos. I often choose a documentary approach, but I also like to do narrative work - emotionality and storytelling is always my focus. I love to do projects which are inclusive and diverse, connect humans and is warm, heartfelt and colourful. I prefer to work with female protagonists, the queer community, the elderly, children and people with disabilities. Gender equality behind the camera is also very important to me.
Denis Mujovic (Produktion)
Born in Priština, grew up in Sarajevo and is of Dutch nationality. Studied business administration, photography and video as well as film production in Groningen, Utrecht and Amsterdam. Founder and former director of Eastern Neighbours Film Festival in the Netherlands. Attached in casting department of the feature film Joy, which won the award of the best Dutch film of 2010 at the Netherlands Film Festival, and in the TV series Bojimans TV, as production manager, awarded with Museumprijs in 2010. In 2014 worked as line producer for the feature film Meet me in Venice from Eddy Terstall and Erik Wunsch and further as producer on few short films, music clips and just recently in 2016 introduced new event Dutch Film Days Vienna.